If you want to add plyometrics to your training, but do not yet know how to do so, then this article will help you accomplish that. You cannot just throw plyometrics randomly into your training and expect the end result to be pretty; it actually is a science and takes a well thought out plan to do so. If you were to just throw them into your training with no clue of why you are doing so or how to do so, then you would end up with a training protocol that is sure to have you spinning your wheels for years to come.
To add plyometrics into your training, you definitely have to know exactly what you are doing. If you plan on just throwing in some jumping exercises here and there and are expecting to gain any respectable inches, then you should just give up on training right now. To truly gain inches on your vertical jump using plyometrics then you must know how to incorporate them well. To do so you must be very well read on the subject of plyometrics and how to use them to increase your vertical jump. Once you are knowledgeable on the subject then you can add them to your program however you feel because you will know exactly why you are doing that. But since that is not the case, it is best to just take my advice and try and add them in the manner that I will show you.
When adding plyometrics, you first need to start off with just simple and basic exercises. These will be just jumping drills that will just get you better coordination and also prepare you for more intense plyometrics that are soon to come. I recommend that you add these before each of the days that you workout, this should be about once every other day. On the lower body days I suggest that you have more total volume of jumps than the upper body days. You don’t want to go all out on the upper body days as you want them to serve as basically just a recovery day that also helps you add coordination with the movements.
Once you have finally mastered basic plyometrics you can progress to more intensive ones such as depth jumps and continue from there. I don’t advise that you start using these intense plyometrics until you have gotten your base strength to a great level. Until then just focus on completely mastering these low level plyometrics and watch your vertical jump grow like weeds. I hope that this article has given you a better understanding on how to add plyometrics into you training.
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